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Wednesday 4 November 2009

Talisker Single Malt Scotch Whisky 57° NORTH

A classic, intense, vigorous Talisker with a unique strength of character. Which becomes deeper and more approachable when water is added. It’s like looking out to sea with a storm brewing…

Strength: 57% ABV
Appearance: Full gold.
Nose: Very clean and intense, with light smoke soon appearing. Creamy toffee, with pronounced fruit acidity. Hints of edible seaweed, heather blossom and a calming influence of vanilla that balances the crisp attack. Chalky and minty. In time, chocolate, then salt. The chocolate becomes slightly nuttier: like praline.

Water tempers the attack and brings out a slightly oily note. Initially there's a firework/struck match edge, then more seaweed, as if you’re at the high water mark on a sandy beach. Sweet yet salty, with a savoury sharpness.

Body: Medium.

Palate: Tart fruit, sweet to start, with smoke and tar abruptly exploding around the middle of the mouth. Sweet-centred, a little like liqueur chocolate, yet tempered by a savoury edge that stops things becoming too polite. Water deepens the effect and smoothes out the abrupt shift between sweet and smoke. Mouthfilling, silky and complex.

Finish: Oily. Fairly medicinal with a drying tartness. Tingling and peppery. Smoother with water.

More information about Talisker Single Malt Scotch Whisky Click Here

Similar whiskies to Talisker Click Here

Buy Talisker Single Malt Scotch Whisky at http://www.whiskys.co.uk/

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