Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Greenore 15 years old Single Grain Irish Whiskey

A unique and exceptional Single Grain Irish Whiskey,
Greenore’s silky smooth taste and robust character is a truly delightful experience for the discerning drinker.

The extra aging of the Greenore 15-year-old produces a more complex robust whiskey with new depths and layers of flavours that compliment the smooth sweet buttery vanilla notes that makes the 8-year-old so popular

Nose- Soft, sweet corn, delicious hints of vanilla, honey and oak.

Taste- Melt-in-the-mouth richness, silky smooth honey start combining with fresh almonds and spices, a hint of barley for good measure.

Finish-Warm honey taste lingers in the mouth with a dry finish.

Greenore 15 years old Single Grain Irish Whiskey tasting motes added to the website
 Page updated to include Greenore's recent Awards Click Here

Buy Greenore Irish Grain Whiskey at

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