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Wednesday 21 September 2011

Blog up date

Sorry I have been neglecting this blog this last couple of weeks.

My Daughter has just started at the Solent University and didn't like the "Animal House" accommodation that she was allocated. So with her friend they have been flat hunting and have found a very nice flat. Only the second one they looked at and cheaper than the University wanted per month. In an unbelievable location.

Tip: We have discovered that the "Student Market" landlords know how much each Student gets or has for accommodation so they charge their property at just above that going rate per bedroom. so the quality of "student" accommodation is over priced for what you get.

If you search for "accommodation" rather than "Student accommodation" thinking SA is  going to be cheap, you will find better properties at a lower rent.

So you see the last couple of weeks has been spent with all that is involved with setting up a new flat, legals and equipping made all the more interesting with the move from Yorkshire.

Now I am back in work full time again I hope to get back to a more dedicated service.

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